Amortized Time Complexity in Elixir Certain computational problems require a more nuanced understanding of time complexity, leading to the concept of "Amortized Time Complexity".
Big O Notation - Analyzing Time Complexity in Elixir Big O notation, a fundamental concept in computer science and mathematics, is widely used to analyze the performance and efficiency of data structures and algorithms, providing a way to express the growth of their runtime or space complexity as a function of input size.
Functional Arrays in Elixir and Erlang Many data structures including arrays don't translate equally from imperative to functional programming languages and there are important reasons why.
Functional Programming Properties of Erlang and Elixir Describing different properties of Erlang and Elixir from a functional programming perspective.
LeetCode - Longest Palindromic Substring | Elixir Solution An Elixir solution for LeetCode's Longest Palindromic Substring problem with detailed explanation and time complexity analysis.
LeetCode - Median of Two Sorted Arrays | Elixir Solution An Elixir solution for LeetCode's Median of Two Sorted Arrays problem with detailed explanation and time complexity analysis.
LeetCode - Longest Substring | Elixir Solution An Elixir solution for LeetCode's Longest Substring without Repeating Characters problem with detailed explanation and time complexity analysis.
LeetCode - Add Two Numbers | Elixir Solution An Elixir solution for LeetCode's Two Sum problem with detailed explanation and time complexity analysis.
LeetCode - Two Sum Problem | Elixir Solution An Elixir solution for LeetCode's Two Sum problem with detailed explanation and time complexity analysis.
Getting Started with Elixir - Variables and Operators In this section we're going to cover how variables and operators are used in Elixir.